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Updates — Inspection of National Park Trail Bridges: Federal Highway Administration, Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division

PCS is proud to announce that our team recently completed a Bridge Inspection Services Task Order with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD). This task order consisted of providing engineering services in the completion of 39 Routine and Initial National Park Trail Bridge and Culvert Safety Inspections (including: Glacier, Grand Canyon, Grand Teton, Rocky Mountain, Yellowstone, and Zion National Parks) and for the preparation of inspection reports and data related to these inspections. The structures are owned and/or maintained by the National Park Service and are located in various states within the United States. All work was performed in accordance with the engineering practices as outlined by FHWA and AASHTO, and as further outlined by the NBIS and FLH policy.

Paul Klemunes, P.E served as Project Manager

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