Structural Engineering

ASHE East Penn 2024 Project of the Year over $20 Million: SR 0078, Section 12M, Berks County, PA, PennDOT District 5-0

ASHE East Penn 2024 Project of the Year over $20 Million: SR 0078, Section 12M, Berks County, PA, PennDOT District 5-0

The SR 0078, Section 12M, project involved the reconstruction of an 8.3 mile section of I-78 in Berks County. The western project limit is located adjacent to the Maiden Creek Bridge near the Lenhartsville Interchange. The eastern project limit is located just past the Lehigh County Line in Weisenberg Township.

I-78 carries two through lanes in each direction with several long steep roadway profiles, including grades up to 5%, that were creating significant speed reductions and congestion. With the estimated future demands on the system increasing from an ADT of 48,127 (2018) to 71,964 (2038) along with 35% truck traffic and a high frequency of accidents involving trucks, safety improvements with minimization of environmental impacts were at the forefront of the planning discussions and design recommendations.

The project required widening of the inside and outside shoulders, five miles of truck climbing lanes in the eastbound and westbound directions, upgrading of drainage and storm water management facilities, and improved safety features. The existing concrete pavement was replaced with 380,000 square yards of long life concrete pavement while maintaining two temporary lanes in each direction for the duration of construction. Six at grade bridges were replaced, four culverts were widened, and three sound barriers were constructed. Wetland and stream impacts were mitigated at off-site locations. Obtained NPDES and Stream Encroachment permits and prepared right-of-way plans for acquisitions from 80 affected parcels.

PCS was the prime consultant managing a four member design team on this $168M construction project. PCS performed the overall project management as well as the design of the truck climbing lanes, bituminous and concrete pavements, retaining walls, structures, highway, drainage, and storm water management facilities. PCS also provided topographic survey and development of base mapping. Construction was completed in May 2024.

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