Structural Engineering

SR 4003 (Kernsville Road), Section 01B, over Jordan Creek, PennDOT District 5-0

SR 4003 (Kernsville Road), Section 01B, over Jordan Creek, PennDOT District 5-0

PCS prepared plans for the rehabilitation of the SR 4003 (Kernsville Road) bridge over Jordan Creek located in North Whitehall Township, Lehigh County. The two-span structure, constructed in 1929, carries two lanes of two-way traffic with an ADT of 5,314. Span 1 is a 102′ long riveted steel Pratt through truss; Span 2 has reinforced concrete T-beams. The curb-to-curb width is 29.8′ and there is a 5.25′ wide sidewalk on the north side. The existing vertical clearance is 13.7′ above the bridge deck at the end portals of the truss.

PCS performed an in-depth bridge inspection, sampled and tested existing bridge materials to determine material properties, prepared a load rating analysis, and completed a rehabilitation assessment to determine the cost effectiveness of rehabilitation compared to complete replacement. The scope of the rehabilitation included: jacking and replacement of the rocker nest truss bearings with multi-directional disc bearings, backwall and bearing seat reconstruction, superstructure replacement (Span 2), placement of riprap scour protection, Type 2 concrete deck repairs, hydro-demolition and polyester polymer concrete overlay, deck joint replacement, approach slab construction, vertical wall bridge barrier construction, and guide rail upgrades to current safety standards. The end portals of the truss were also modified to provide a 14.5′ minimum vertical clearance.

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